Climate Impact

Industry leaders are those who are doing more than reduce their own emissions; they are driving their customers and sectors towards net-zero. Rho Impact quantifies the impact of new climate technologies, existing products, and of investments so that everyone can make decisions that accelerate the transition to a net-zero economy.

Quantify and Contextualize

Leverage the data and tools trusted by Autodesk Foundation, Eclipse Ventures, and many others for modeling the impact of everything from robotics to logistics.

Traceable by Design

We are hyper-focused on auditable & assurable data that avoid the risk of greenwashing while protecting sensitive business data and intellecutal property.

Open and Accessible

Rho Impact uses and contributes to to open standards, methodologies, and frameworks to ensure impact forecasts are understandable and comparable.

Answer the Hard Questions

"How will a technology reduce emissions compared to the status quo?"
"How does my product impact my customer's Net-Zero goals?"
"How can I investment in the most promising decarbonization solutions?"

These are complex questions. They are also increasingly required to succeed. We have you covered with the world's most verifiable and auditable impact forecasts.

Impact Models Delivered


Verified Research Sources


Reusable Data Points


Trusted by the World's Leading Investors and Companies Alike

Pushing boundaries on the quality and depth of impact analytics for and alongside organizations worldwide.

Greentown Labs Logo
Corporate Finance Institute Logo
Eclipse Ventures Logo
GBI Logo
Tideline Logo
Autodesk Foundation Logo
UVA Environmental Institute Logo
Project FRAME Logo
Callahan Capital Partners Logo
MaRS Logo
Prime Logo
Grenova Logo
Right Here Right Now Logo
Volta Energy Technologies Logo

Ready to get started?